Meeka Roman is a 9 year old young girl who hails from Bonteheuwel, Cape Town. Meeka, along with her team mates at Bemur Gymnastics, was chosen to represent South Africa at the 17th World Gymnaestrada in Amsterdam in July 2023. She is an energenic, goal driven, go getter who is always striving to achieve new heights.

Her parents are humbly and respectfully requesting any form of assistance, that would contribute towards their fundraising efforts. It would be highly appreciated if you could be so kind to be one of the blessed humanitarians to make it possible for her and her team at Bemur Gymnastics to showcase their talents to proudly represent South Africa.

The Future Factory wants to assist and ensure that this future star reaches her goal by participating for SA. We will be sponsoring R7000 and would love if corporate or anybody wants to match or beat our sponsorship.

Please pledge support for this worthy cause.

For more information please visit the BackaBuddy page: